The toll roads in Portugal are operated by a company called Brisa, and there are several types of tolls that you may encounter:
    1. Traditional toll booths: These are the classic toll booths where you stop and pay a fee. They are generally found on older highways.
    1. Electronic tolls: These are the most common tolls on the highways in Portugal. They use a system called Via Verde, which allows you to pass through the toll without stopping. The system detects the toll pass on your car, and the toll is charged to your account.
    1. Toll bridges: Some of the larger bridges in Portugal have tolls that must be paid in order to cross. These tolls can be paid at toll booths or via the electronic toll system.
    1. Toll tunnels: Like the toll bridges, some tunnels in Portugal have tolls that must be paid in order to pass through.
Can I pay tolls with a foreign card?Yes, it is possible to pay tolls with a foreign card in Portugal. However, it’s important to note that some foreign cards may not be accepted. Visa and Mastercard are generally accepted (if issued in Portugal – Multibanco!), but it’s a good idea to check with your bank before your trip to ensure that your card will work in Portugal.If you plan on using the electronic toll system, it’s important to know that not all rental cars have a Via Verde device. You can rent a device from some car rental companies, or you can opt to pay tolls at traditional toll booths.Overall, the toll roads in Portugal are easy to navigate and offer a convenient way to travel around the country. By understanding how the tolls work and knowing which type of tolls you may encounter, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free road trip. And with the ability to pay tolls with a foreign card, you can rest assured that you’ll have a hassle-free experience on your Portuguese adventure.