Join US ON A Hygge Journey
WHO aRE we?
We are a mixed family (Danish and British / Jamaican) living in Portugal. We decided to escape the hectic city living in London for a much calmer more enjoyable life here in Portugal with our young children.
We’d love to bring you along on our journey of exploring an alternative ‘hygge’ way to live. A life we simply would not have been able to live in London or Copenhagen. Our channel is about lifestyle, travel, ex-pat tips, and family life here in Portugal.
We will cover a range of topics to help others who are thinking about visiting or living in Portugal. Our channel is Hygge Journey. ‘Hygge’ is a famous Danish word meaning, cosy, comfortable and happy!
We’d love you to join us by subscribing to our YouTube Channel here.
Thank you so much.
Gill & Jannik

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears” – Les Brown.